About Property Pricer

Setting a new standard in property & land valuation reports

About Property Pricer

Property valuation, reimagined.

Property Pricer started with a simple question…

Why was Ross’s unique property being valued just like any other house on the block? Each time he received a valuation, it felt like a wild guess – his home’s distinct features lost in a sea of generic comparisons.

He wasn’t alone, as many other people shared the same frustration. Property valuations seemed like a mystery, relying on vague comparisons to recent sales nearby. In a world where every property is unique, this guesswork approach without any calculations or real analysis just didn’t make sense. There was no analysis, no mathematics, no obvious rigour or thoroughness, and most importantly no explanation to justify the valuation!

Ross decided it was time for a change.

With a spark of innovation and determination, he set out to transform the property valuation process. Diving into extensive research he found very little that showed anybody, anywhere had come up with a method to calculate a property’s value. Furthermore his discussions with people in the property industry showed three main issues:

  • There was no analytical method to calculate property values, comparisons was the only way
  • People believed it was not possible to measure property values
  • The overwhelming majority of people were sceptical and didn’t trust traditional property valuation methods.

This widespread uncertainty fueled Ross’s mission. He began developing Property Pricer as a tool designed to eliminate guesswork and provide transparent, accurate valuations. He started by using his previous experience in the valuation of other types of assets, and applying it to the property market. By developing a method that measured and calculated all the distinctive features and details of an individual property, Property Pricer for the first time produced valuation reports that valued the property as an asset in its own right, importantly without the need to use comparisons.

The journey wasn’t easy. Many said it couldn’t be done due to the countless variables. But Ross believed that with the right technology and perseverance, a better way was possible. Knowing that it would be a complex exercise Ross put together a team of specialists who were capable of innovative thinking and undertaking complex  mathematics and statistics.

After several years of research and development, particularly in testing Property Pricer’s valuations against many thousands of recently sold properties Australia-wide, Ross proved that it could be done! With accuracy levels consistently above 95% and often close to 99% it was mathematically proven that all properties could in fact be measured and calculated.

Now with an established team and several years on, there are many highly satisfied clients who rely on Property Pricer for accurate and thorough property valuations. They know that the valuations can readily be justified and substantiated under scrutiny e.g. by an auditor.

Today, Property Pricer is changing the way we think about and undertake valuing properties in Australia. Maths has replaced guesswork and thougherness has replaced briefity to provide a new and much better method to value ladn and properties.

At Property Pricer, we believe every property has its own story, and its value should reflect that uniqueness. Join us as we redefine property valuations – turning uncertainty into confidence.

Smart Property Investments
Gold Coast Bulletin
Courier Mail

Our Team

We are a group of experienced professionals dedicated to providing clients with a high quality level of service in the valuation of land and properties.

We undertake valuations for you ensuring thoroughness and accuracy using our unique maths driven proprietary valuation tool. Our aim is to make you look good in front of your clients through the quality of the reports we prepare for you and the personal service provided to you as a valued client.

Ross McLelland

Ross McLelland

Founder and Head of Client Valuation Requests

Kim Tilbrook

Kim Tilbrook

Client Valuation Requests

Stephen Major-Hudson

Stephen Major-Hudson

Head of Commercial Properties

Robert Woods

Robert Woods

Client Valuation Requests

Stephen Rue

Stephen Rue

Client Valuation Requests

Lisa Ballard

Lisa Ballard

Head of Media & Marketing

Jim Hughes

Jim Hughes

Head of Technical Operations

Paul Miunske

Paul Miunske

Head of Technical Development

Our Commitment to Excellence

"At Property Pricer, we uphold the highest standards of professionalism, ensuring every valuation report is thorough, accurate, complete, and able to withstand scrutiny. Our unwavering commitment is to deliver class-leading, top-quality reports every time, guided by the principle: "Is it a class act? Is it the best we can do?" If the answer is no, the report is not released. We will refine it until the answer is yes.

Our goal is to empower you with reports that enable exemplary service to your clients and auditors, or provide you with precise information for critical property decisions. Any deviation from these standards, by us or others, we address promptly to elevate professionalism in property valuation services. We strive to provide unmatched service and quality, and we hope you recognise this dedication with every report you receive from Property Pricer."

Ross McLelland

Founder, Property Pricer

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